xPack GCC v11.5.0-2 released
Version 11.5.0-2.1 is a maintenance release; iit fixes the
unintended dependency on libiconv.so.2
Version 11.5.0-2.1 is a maintenance release; iit fixes the
unintended dependency on libiconv.so.2
Version 12.4.0-2.1 is a maintenance release; it fixes the
unintended dependency on libiconv.so.2
Version 13.3.0-2.1 is a maintenance release; it fixes the
unintended dependency on libiconv.so.2
The project configuration was upgraded to use XBB v6.0.0 based on Debian 10 and macOS 11 and support for Arm 32-bit was discontinued.
Therefore, all future builds will use XBB v6.0.0 or later.
Version 14.2.0-2.1 is a maintenance release; it fixes the
unintended dependency on libiconv.so.2
This is the first release based on Debian 10.
After some experimentation with modern site generators, the xPack GCC project has a new web site.
Version 14.2.0-1 is a new release; it follows the official GNU GCC release.
This is the final release to support macOS, Arm 32-bit and Ubuntu 18.
Version 11.5.0-1 is a new release; it follows the official GNU GCC release.
Version 12.4.0-1 is a new release; it follows the official GNU GCC release.
Version 13.3.0-1 is a new release; it follows the official GNU GCC release.