xPack GCC v12.1.0-1 released
Version 12.1.0-1 is a new release; it follows the official GNU GCC release.
The xPack GCC is a standalone cross-platform binary distribution of GCC.
There are separate binaries for Windows (x64), macOS (x64, arm64) and GNU/Linux (x64, arm64 and arm).
The main targets for the GNU/Linux Arm binaries are the Raspberry Pi class devices (armv7l and aarch64; armv6 is not supported).
The binary files are available from GitHub Releases.
- x64 GNU/Linux: any system with GLIBC 2.27 or higher (like Ubuntu 18 or later, Debian 10 or later, RedHat 8 or later, Fedora 29 or later, etc)
- arm64/arm GNU/Linux: any system with GLIBC 2.27 or higher (like Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu 18 or later, Debian 10 or later, RedHat 8 or later, Fedora 29 or later, etc)
- x64 Windows: Windows 7 with the Universal C Runtime (UCRT), Windows 8, Windows 10
- x64 macOS: 10.13 or later
- arm64 macOS: 11.6 or later
The easiest way to install this specific version, is by using xpm:
xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/gcc@12.1.0-1.1 --verbose
Comprehensive instructions for installing xPack GCC on different platforms can be found in the Install Guide.
The xPack GCC generally follows the official GCC releases.
The current version is based on:
Supported languages
The supported languages are:
- C
- C++
- Obj-C
- Obj-C++
Note: Obj-C/C++ support is minimalistic.
Compared to the upstream, there are no functional changes.
Bug fixes
- none
- none
Known problems
- none