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xPack Windows Build Tools v2.12.2 released

· 2 min read

Version 2.12.2 is a maintenance release; it repacks the same tools from the previous release, but built with the new XBB v3.2 tools.

This is the xPack distribution of Windows Build Tools (formerly part of the GNU MCU/ARM Eclipse project).

There are separate binaries for Windows (x64 and x86).


The binary files are available from GitHub Releases.


The easiest way to install this specific version, is by using xpm:

xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/windows-build-tools@ --verbose

Comprehensive instructions for installing xPack Windows Build Tools on different platforms can be found in the Install Guide.


The xPack Windows Build Tools uses programs from other projects.

The current version is based on:

  • GNU make version 4.2.1-1 from the MSYS2 project
  • Busybox, the 65ae5b24c commit from Apr 06, 2019.


There are no functional changes from original projects..

Bug fixes

  • none


  • none

Known problems

  • none


  • none

Supported platforms

Only binaries for Windows are provided.

The binaries were built using the xPack Build Box (XBB), a set of build environments based on slightly older distributions, that should be compatible with most recent systems.

  • x86/x64 Windows: all binaries were built with mingw-w64 GCC 9.3, running in an Ubuntu 12 Docker container


The scripts used to build this distribution are in:

  • distro-info/scripts

For the prerequisites and more details on the build procedure, please see the README-MAINTAINER page.

Travis tests

  • none


The binaries were testes on Windows 10 Pro 32/64-bit.

The tests consist in running Eclipse builds.

In all cases, install the archive in Downloads and configure the path in Eclipse.


The SHA-256 hashes for the files are:



Download analytics

Credit to Shields IO for the badges and to Somsubhra/github-release-stats for the individual file counters.